BINHI Volunteer’s Form
Come and help us grow a better future for our children. Become a BINHI volunteer today!

BINHI means “seed” in Filipino. Just like the seeds we plant in the garden that later grow into towering trees, BINHI Foundation plants seeds of literacy for a brighter future.

You can become a volunteer and nurture the seeds of literacy by sharing your talents and skills in different areas of concern of BINHI Foundation:

    • Teacher Assistant – assist BINHI teachers in the conduct of BINHI lessons
    • Level of Commitment: Medium to Long-term
    • Schedule: November – June based on availability of volunteer
  • BINHI Buddy – provide online weekly tutorial sessions to kids
    • Level of Commitment: Medium to Long-term
    • Schedule: Jan-Jun
  • Tester – conduct online or onsite tests to kids
    • Level of Commitment: Short-term
    • Schedule: Sep-Oct; Jan-Feb; Jun
  • Storyteller – share a short story with a lesson through online or onsite storytelling activity
    • Level of Commitment: Short-term
    • Schedule: Every 3rd Sunday of the month for online, any school day for onsite
  • Social Media Ambassador – create and plan social media content that adheres with BINHI’s brand and advocacy
    • Level of Commitment: Medium-term
    • Schedule: Every month all-year round
  • Videographer / Photographer – assist in the documentation of BINHI Activities
    • Level of Commitment: Medium-term
    • Schedule: As needed
  • Data Collector/Analyst – collect and/or evaluate and give recommendations on scores and other data available
    • Level of Commitment: Short to Medium-term
    • Schedule: As needed
  • External Linkages – search potential sponsors and donors to ensure the continuity of BINHI Programs
    • Level of Commitment: Short to Medium-term
    • Schedule: As needed